A student must attend a formal face-to-face training session to receive a QLD White Card.
The White Card/General Construction Induction Course is the mandatory work health and safety training required for anyone who wants to work on or enter any active construction and maintenance worksite. You must have it in your possession on site.
The unit requires the person to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others. It covers identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting standard personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.
Students will be introduced to the following sections of the construction industry:
*Please note: You will be photographed during the course evidence collection process.
You will be supplied with everything required to complete your White Card training on the day. You will be required to complete in-class training, including practical and verbal assessment tasks, with the help of one of our qualified trainers and assessors.
Students cannot be under (or appear to be under) the influence of medication, alcohol, illicit drugs, or substances or are adversely affected by fatigue.
Students must comply with all requirements in the Student Handbook
Upon completing the training course, you will receive a Statement of Attainment and a Queensland Construction Induction Card that assures employers you are competent to a nationally recognised "white card" standard, CPCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely In The Construction Industry.
Evolution Training Solutions provides a selection of short-course training options that cover industry relevant skills. We pride ourselves on knowing our clients’ needs and delivering courses that meet our students training needs.
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Evolution Training & Safety T/A Evolution Training Solutions RTO 31733