Priya Pereira

Training Coordinator

Priya has been a professional and dedicated training coordinator with Evolution for over two years. Priya handles placement, student support, and client liaison. After graduating with a Bachelor of Business from Griffith University, she worked in the Traffic Control Industry, going above and beyond to ensure high levels of compliance and student and client satisfaction. Over the last three years, she has assisted approximately 500 students in completing their placements and many others in renewing their training. Priya is well known for her excellent communication skills and is continuously committed to helping students reach their objectives.

Do Not Wait

Click the button below to browse our courses. Choose the desired one and enroll now. Our courses are handled face to face and the time duration varies. Click on a specific course and you will be redirected special registration platform.
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Evolution Training Solutions provides a selection of short-course training options that cover industry relevant skills. We pride ourselves on knowing our clients’ needs and delivering courses that meet our students training needs.

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